Monday, December 17, 2007

oops, i did it again

I started a company!


(Second time's a charm, right?)


Anonymous said...

Yes! I think so!

Matt said...


I'm looking forward to hearing how it goes. And sending business your way anytime I can.

Lisa Armsweat said...

Oh my gosh! Happy Birthday, Up/Away! :) Congratulations and good luck. What a cool way to start a new year.

Unknown said...

Thank you all for the support! Each comment makes me grin like a goof ball for 48-72 hours!

extraspecialbitter said...

the expression is "third times a charm", but I hope you can improve upon that!

Anonymous said...

i'm intrigued to find out what Up/Away is all about. Good on you!

susie said...

Congrats, and I would love to be able to support you! Where/what is it?

And what about the novel? Or is that bad to ask about?