Thursday, January 17, 2008

pudding pop

So, it's 7:30pm and I literally just had a cookie in one hand and a mug of peppermint tea in the other while reading a blog. Not this blog mind you. One, I write the fluff that shows up here so reading it doesn't hold much surprise and two, this piece of internet real estate has been vacant so long a pair of pigeons have moved into the attic.

It's nearing a month of my self-employment. I am proud to report that I have showered and dressed myself each and every weekday. I still have cash monies at my disposal. I've only gained 5 pounds. And it's been the best 30 days of my cat's life ever. So far, so good.

Really the only disturbing trend is the weight gain. Which I'm taking charge of as of yesterday. And as of tomorrow I'm buying a size smaller pair of blue jeans and magnetting them to my fridge. Having to physically move the legs of pants I currently can't fit my ass in to get pudding will hopefully stop me from getting pudding. Not that I even have any pudding, but you know what I'm saying. I'll have pants magnetted to my fridge. It's gotta do something.


Anonymous said...

She lives!

Good on you for the dressing every day thing. I can't even manage that and I'm not self-employeed. Thank god for my ability to work from home. Otherwise, I would probably need a note from my doctor, therapist and husband.

heatherfeather said...

maybe I should buy a pair of jeans too small and magnet them to the front of the Au Bon Pain... Yay for getting dressed! Yay for happycat! Yay for HaikuGirl!

Heather said...

I just love pudding.

But I find that keeping spoiled milk in my fridge is really what does the trick. B was over last night, and he recoiled from the fridge and said "You STILL haven't thrown that milk away???"

This was the milk that I leapt across the room to keep him from pouring into tea. On New Year's Day.

I am leaving for the weekend. I still have not thrown away the milk.

Scooter said...

I am so proud of you. Wow, we can say, "We knew her when..."

extraspecialbitter said...

if the jeans on the fridge idea gets too cumbersome, how about a sign with the words: "pudding... pop!"